AFFECT.NL Fuzzing Workshop (20.06.2024)

Please join us for the second edition of the Affect.NL Workshop on

Automated Finding, Fixing or Exploiting of seCuriTy vulnerabilities

Organised by INTERSCT. WP2 ∩ WP4, in collaboration with AMSec and ACCSS.

This workshop is aimed at researchers and practioners from the Netherlands working on fuzzing or other automated – dynamic or static – techniques to find, fix or exploit security vulnerabilities in code. As the goal is to create some collaboration and synergy, there will plenty of time for discussion and informal chats over coffee, lunch and drinks.


Click here to register.


Date: 20th of June 2024

Location: Room NU-5A57 in the NU building, De Boelelaan 1111, Amsterdam .

More information: AFFECT.NL Workshop page

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